Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Brody - 4 Months

Brody is officially 4 months old. We had his doctors appointment on Monday. We really liked the pediatrician, the entire staff was really nice. He had to get his second round of shots which I hate but he does so good with them. He cries when they first stick him but as soon as I pick him up he is fine. Such a good boy. Well here is the breakdown of where he is for his age.

His head was 43.4 cm which is in the 75th percentile
His weight was 15.12 which is also in the 75th percentile
His length was 26.5" which is in the 95th percentile

They said he looked very healthy and had no concerns. We are also allowed to start introducing him to rice cereal. I'll have to get a video of that, I'm kind of excited to feed him something other then breast milk. Although I don't plan to stop breast feeding for several more months.

So here he is eating for the first time. We only gave him a couple of spoonfuls but he did pretty good and it had to be one of the funniest moments. I promise to do a video next time we feed him.

Well that's it for now, I know we have had lots of requests for pictures of the wine room. I will start working on that post soon. I just want to wait until it's completely done before I post it so you can see the start to finish.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


So my family is really big on surprises. In fact a few weeks ago when my parents came to visit they flew my sister Sydna in as a surprise. I was so excited to see her, she hadn't seen the house yet and has been so busy working I wasn't sure when I would see her again. Then on Thanksgiving day my dad left the house and said he had a quick errand to run. We were working on the wine room so we thought it had something to do with that, but it was Thanksgiving day, everyone is closed, we couldn't figure out where he possibly could have gone. Well an hour later he gets back and he isn't alone. He flew my other sister Kelley in to surprise us. My mom didn't even know she was coming, it was a fabulous surprise. We ended up having a wonderful Thanksgiving. It was actually very relaxing, my mom and I cooked dinner and we ate around 5:30 (half time of the Cowboy game) and just watched football and hung around the house all day. We were sad that Syd and Mark's family couldn't be here but it was a great first Thanksgiving in the new house. I kept my promise and took some pictures of the butt bread.

So the bread is frozen dough that you put in a muffin tin and let rise for 4-5 hours. The longer you let it rise the bigger the rolls get and the more they start to look like little butts. That's why we call it butt bread. Well I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Mark's parents will be here this weekend and then Bernd is coming the next weekend. He is doing the finish work on the wine room and then we will be done! I will do a post, I have pictures from start to finish so everyone can see what we have been working on.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Turkey Day!

Happy Thanksgiving! We are spending today with my parents. Mark's parents are spending Thanksgiving with Ryan in Oregon but will be here next weekend. We are making all the Thanksgiving favorites with a couple of Mariani additions. Anyone who has spent Thanksgiving with us knows about butt bread, it's the best bread ever. I will have to take a picture so you can understand why we call it butt bread. Last time my parents were here my mom brought Brody this cute little Beanie Baby Turkey named Gobble. Well Brody just loves him, the first thing he did was stuck the beak in his mouth and start sucking on him. Here are some cute pictures of Brody and Gobble.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Another Weekend

I can't believe another weekend has come and gone. Saturday Mark helped me clean the house, it's a big job so I loved the help. Then Mark stayed home with Brody and I ran to the grocery store and to Costco. Then on Sunday we had some friends over to watch the Cowboy game. Thank goodness they won, I can't believe they are 9-1, go Cowboys! My parents sent Brody a cute little Cowboys onsie that had a matching bib and booties, it was too cute. I promised I would wash it so he can wear it again on Thursday. We have a pretty crazy schedule coming up. Mark's birthday is on Wednesday, Matt and Abbey are coming up and my parents should be getting here that night as well. Then we are having Thanksgiving here with my mom and dad. Then next weekend Mark's parents are coming to visit. Alan was going to come to but he recently lost a friend and the memorial is going to be that weekend, so he will be coming another time. Then Bernd otherwise known as Batman will be here the following weekend. We are still trying to schedule a game night so that might just be the next weekend and then it will almost be Christmas. Time is just flying by. Here are a couple of cute pics I took this week.

This is Brody with Mr. Bear, one of his favorites. He loves to suck on him.

Almost naked baby in his crib.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Sleeping in his Crib

So we had a pretty successful night last night. We moved Brody upstairs to his crib. I put him down at 11pm. I'm sure he woke up sometime in the night but he must have put himself back to sleep because I didn't wake up with him until 5am. Then he went back to sleep until around 8am. I'm so proud of him. He has even taken his last couple of naps up in his crib as well. I just took this picture of him, I almost woke him up so I must be crazy.

Nap Time!

These are his new PJ's I think they are so cute!

Well I hope we can have the same kind of night tonight. Wish us luck!

Sunday, November 11, 2007


It's been a ruff couple of days. Brody decided he only needed to sleep an hour to an hour and a half the last couple of days. I felt like such a bad mom. I got so overwhelmed. Mark helped out in the middle of the night and it made it a little better, but then I got sick on Friday and that just made the situation so much worse. Luckily today Mark took Brody in the morning and let me sleep for a few extra hours. Let me tell you it makes all the difference in the world. We decided to finally move Brody up to his own bed in his own room. I'll let you all know how it works out. It's bitter sweet for me, because I love having him right next to me but in the same since I wake up with him every time he rolls over or makes any little noise. So in the long run I think it will be better that he is in his own bed. Here are some new pics of him and a fun video of him in his favorite new bouncy chair.

Fun in the Bath!

Drying off

Never too early for football!

Nap time with Shasta

Brody in his new chair from Grandma Judy

And here he his in his new bouncy seat that my mom got for him.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Crazy Week

Sorry there hasn't been any new posts lately. We had a very crazy week. My mom and sister flew in on Friday to visit. My dad got here on Sunday and we started construction on our wine room that we have been wanting to build. We had to knock out two walls and build a room from scratch. We are putting the wine room in the office so our computer was out of commission during the construction, part of the reason I haven't posted in awhile. I have pictures of our progress and will do a post once the wine room is finished. We had a great visit with my family. They loved seeing Brody and how big he is getting. My mom got him this fun bouncy chair thing and it is officially his new favorite toy. I will take some video of him in it and post it soon. I also have a bunch of new pictures that I need to load on the computer and post. I will try to do it this weekend. Mark got invited to go to the Texas Longhorns game on Saturday. That should be fun, he is very excited. Hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Rolling Over

Brody is officially rolling over. He did it for the first time on Tuesday night and then mastered it yesterday. Here is a video of him in action, he is wearing the cute little pumpkin hat that one of Mark's clients made for him. It was his second Halloween costume.

Also I just wanted to let everyone know I edited a couple of posts. Judy sent me the pictures of Brody with his Great Great Grandma, so I put one of them in the Great Grandparents post. Also Mark got to dress up for work yesterday. He decided to go as Clark Kent, so I added a picture of that to the Halloween post.