We went to the pool this weekend with Brody. He LOVED it! He is such a fish. He has absolutely no fear of the water, which I think is both a good and a bad thing. His favorite thing to do is stand on the edge and jump in. At first we were catching him but later we started letting him just jump in and go all the way under water and then we would help him up. Again no fear and wasn't bothered by going under water at all. It was so much fun, he even started to understand kicking his feet and moving his arms.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Christa's Shower
Today we had a shower for Christa. Because Maebry was so early we didn't get a chance to give her a shower until now. Robin, Abbey, Savannah and I all collaborated and everything turned out great. We all pitched in and it just made things so easy. We had lots of yummy food, played one shower game and then watched Christa open all of her fun baby gifts. We are so happy for Dusty and Christa. Maebry is such a cute little angel and such a perfect addition to their family. We can't wait to get to know her better and watch her grow!

Brody was so funny when I was making the diaper cake. He thought it looked like a flower so he kept climbing up on the table and smelling it.

Bachelorette Party
Last weekend I went to Santa Barbara for Angela's bachelorette party. It was so much fun. It has been so long since I have been there. I love that city! We stayed at an amazing hotel right on the beach. We got there on Friday and some of Ang's friends that live in Santa Barbara were nice enough to have us over to their house for dinner. They made an amazing dinner, we played games and Ang opened some fun presents. Then we went out to one of the local bars. The next day we went to the beach, the pool and then made a quick stop at the summer solstice festival. Then that night we had dinner at this great new restaurant called Blush and then headed over to this club called Tonic. Back in the day when we went to school there it was called 634 and it was my favorite bar. It was cool to go back and see how it has changed and stayed the same. The next day it was already time to go. We had time to squeeze in breakfast and then headed to the airport. It was an amazing weekend that I will never forget!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Blog Book
So this post is about 6 months over due. One of my favorite things about the blog is that you can have it printed into a book. I got this idea from my friend Jamie and I love it! Now Brody will have a baby book with tons of stories and pictures of all his milestones. You can pick how big you want the book two be and what sort of cover you want it to have. I started blogging in October 2007 so for the first book I combined 2007 and 2008 but from now on I'm going to try and just go year by year. We gave a copy of the book to both sets of grandparents for Christmas and they loved it.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
So we took Brody to see up today. He loves all of the Pixar movies so we thought it would be fun to take him to see his first movie in the theater. He was fascinated from the minute we got there. He walked into the theater and went right over to the video arcade. They had some big cars that he really liked. We got some popcorn and nachos and headed into the theater. The previews had already started which helped because we were able to go right to our seats and sit down. He had a couple of nachos and his cup of milk and then daddy shared his MnM's with him. He was so good, I was shocked. I was totally prepared to leave halfway into the movie. But he sat in my lap the entire time and loved it. He got excited a few times and shouted out bird or uh oh but the theater was full of kids all doing the same thing so he was fine. We saw a preview for the Ice Age movie, Brody was very excited so I have a feeling that might be the next one we go see.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Brody was due for a haircut again. I put it off and put it off because I know how much he hates it. So yesterday I finally gave in and took him to get it done. I'm watching Maddie full time now so the three of us piled into the car and headed over to Cool Cuts. He did better then he has in the past but it was still really bad. He screams and cries the entire time. This time he at least sat in the chair by himself and stopped crying every now and then to watch the movie that was on. Maddie just sat and looked at him like he was totally crazy, it was kind of funny. The girl did a great job, they have to be so patient and now we should be good for another few months.

The End of May
So after our trip to New York we came back and got to spend some time with Mark's parents. They flew in before we left and stayed with Brody while we were gone. We mostly just hung out at the house. They helped us do some much needed yard work. We got some new flowers and some herbs planted in the front yard and a new hydrangea bush planted in the back. Joel even built a brick border for the plant in the back. We had a great time with them as usual. We can't wait to see them again in July when we go to California. After they flew home, Mark and I headed down to San Marcos to see Matt and Abbey. They were having a BBQ at their house and it had been way too long since we had all hung out. We stayed the night and most of the next day and then headed home. That night the Austin wine festival was going on. I took Brody and met up with Tim and Shara for a few hours. It was a pretty cool event, I had no idea there were so many Texas wineries. The next weekend both of Mark's brothers flew in for a visit. It was Mark's younger brother Alan's birthday. The boys had tickets to the A's v Rangers game up in Dallas. It actually turned out to be a double header so the boys were gone all day Friday. Saturday we slept in and then went to lunch at Chuy's. That night the boys went out and I volunteered to stay home with Brody. The weekend went really quick but we loved having them here. Of course I was terrible and got zero pictures of any of these events. I'm trying to do better.
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