Friday, July 23, 2010

Brody Turns 3!

I can't believe my little man is 3! His birthday was on Friday and we decided to take him out for burgers at Freddy's and then to a movie. We went to go see Toy Story 3 which we all loved. Even Connor sat and watched the entire movie. We gave him a Buzz Lightyear as one of his gifts and he brought it to the movie with us. On Saturday we had his actual party. We set up a big blow up pool and borrowed the Tucker's bouncy house. When I asked Brody what he wanted for his birthday he said, killer whales, cake and the birthday song. So we went with an under the sea themed party. I found these fun wall decals that we stuck to the windows. Plus another one of his presents were these big pool toys: a killer whale, dolphin, shark and sea turtle. Also I knew he wanted a killer whale cake so I decided to make one out of rice krispies. It was a big project but it came out really good. I'll do a separate post with all the cake making pics after this one. Anyway the party was a lot of fun. We had about 16 adults and 9 kids. They swam, they bounced and they ate cake. Overall I'd say it was a big success and Brody had a lot of fun. He also had his 3 year doctors appointment. He weighs 32 pounds which is about the 50th percentile and his height was just under 39 inches which is right above the 75th percentile. He is a healthy, happy, growing boy and I love him more and more every day. Thanks to everyone who came and made his birthday so special. Happy Birthday Brody we love you!!!

I'm 3!

Having an orange soda at Freddy's.

Bringing Buzz to the movies.

Bouncing in the bouncy house.

Swimming with all the kids.

Hoarding his new toys.

Getting ready to sing happy birthday.

He got a little shy during the singing.

Blowing out his candles.

The cake.

The balloons.

The decorations.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Connor 4 Months!

So Connor is officially four months old. Time is just flying by. We had his well check on Tuesday he is definitely a BIG boy. He was 16 pounds 11 ounces which is in the 85th percentile. His head was 43cm which is about the 75th percentile and then his length was 27 inches which apparently was above the 100th percentile. He is wearing mostly 9 month clothes, some six month stuff still fits but no so much in the length . He has mastered rolling from his tummy to his back but is still working on the back to the tummy. He is really close he just gets stuck on his arm. He LOVES the bouncy chair, it has become one of his favorite places to fall asleep. He still refuses to take a pacifier but I continue to work on it daily. I'm hoping he'll come around eventually. He had another stint of hating the bottle but we switched things up and went back to the Dr. Browns and he's been doing great. The Dr. said we can introduce rice cereal between 4-6 months. He has been seeming to want a little extra something at night since he was starting to wake up at 4 or 5am for a feeding, so I have been pumping a bottle and adding a couple tablespoons of rice cereal to it and seems to be doing the trick. He has gone back to sleeping through the night. We don't have a great nap routine worked out yet but I'm sure he'll fall into one, I've tried to force it a little and that just doesn't work. He is still a really happy and very mellow baby. He's very giggly, loves to play with his rattles and has started to babble. Mark swears he has said dada but I'm not sure. Brody's first word was dada so I'm holding out and hoping Connor's will be mama :) He absolutely LOVES Brody. He is always watching him and smiles whenever he sees him. Sometimes if he gets really upset Brody is the only one who can calm him down and make him smile, it's really sweet.

Loving bath time.

Their first bath together!

Our second trip to the pool.

And his favorite new place to nap :)