Monday, January 28, 2008

Brody and Daddy

We had a pretty quiet weekend. It was kind of nice for a change. Mark actually had to work half day on Saturday. When he got home we made the ever dreaded trip to Costco. It really wasn't that bad, we got in and out pretty quickly. Brody was super cute this weekend. He has definitely mastered sitting up on his own. We had the best Saturday night just sitting up in the play room having fun with Brody. Mark got out some of the baseball stuff he got for Brody before he was born. It was really cute. He was really photogenic this weekend so here are a ton of pictures. I hope you like them.

Brody and his suckie, it's too funny.

Brody and Daddy.

Oh look, it's a baseball.

Are you supposed to eat baseballs?

Or balance them on your head?

Oops I dropped my ball.

Quality boy time.

Love you dad!

Love my feet too!

And I saved the best for last, I don't know if he was happier to see me or the camera.


Diane said...

Oh MY GOSH! He is sooooo cute. He is already such a little man! Gee, we're so surprised that Mark already has the baseball thing going! We miss you all so much and can't wait to play ball with Brody.

Mom & Dad

Judy said...

Glad to see the happy, happy baby. It puts a smile on my face.
Love, Grandma

Unknown said...

these are the cutest pictures I've ever seen!!!