Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Fun Visit
Monday, April 28, 2008
Cake # 2
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Brody 9 Months
Big smile for the camera, he is such a ham!
Oh and we went to the doctor today and here are his stats. He was 28" long, 18.6 pounds and his head was 47 cm. Overall the doctor said he looked great. His weight is only in the 25th percentile which I wasn't crazy about. I've decided I need to feed him more. Mark said I was worrying for nothing and that he would rather him be on the light side then the heavy side. I guess that's true. And again the doctor said he looked great so I'm probably worrying for nothing. He seems happy and healthy so I guess he is fine.
Monday, April 21, 2008
New Passion
Here are some pictures of Brody I have been meaning to post. I really need to try and get another picture of his teeth. He now has four and two more are about to come in. It's crazy how fast they came.
This is kind of a new thing too, he loves his football and rarely puts it down.
We knew we wanted him to like wine but I think he may be a little young.
Rockin the new shoes.
Came in for a close up.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Making a mess
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Picking Up Food
Ok so I typed this blog several days ago and then ran into some trouble adding the video. Blogger only allows you to up load videos 100 mg or smaller and this one was something like 109. We have several video editing programs so I thought it would be easy to just cut some of the video out, WRONG. Well I was able to edit the video pretty easily with a couple different programs but then it saves the video as a different type of file. One that blogger will not upload. So after several days of trying I finally gave up. And then today I was shopping at Target and I was on the phone with Kelley and the cashier overheard me telling her that I couldn't get the video to my blog and he suggested using youtube to do it, so I came home and tried it and it actually worked! Now I can post longer videos. Thank you youtube!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
And the crazyness continued...
Girls night out!
Brody playing with rocks.
Monday, April 7, 2008
We're Back
Brody having his first frozen bagel.
Go A's.