Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Picking Up Food

We hit another mile stone. When Ang was here Brody learned to pick up food and put it in his mouth. I'm not sure why I thought this would be so difficult considering everything he picks up goes in his mouth. But it is definitely harder with smaller things. Mark was giving him bread on Saturday afternoon when the girls were having lunch at the Oasis and I guess he just started to pick up little pieces and putting them in his mouth. We have since moved on to Cheerios's which is his new favorite thing. It's all he wants to eat. Here is the video Mark got of him eating bread.

Ok so I typed this blog several days ago and then ran into some trouble adding the video. Blogger only allows you to up load videos 100 mg or smaller and this one was something like 109. We have several video editing programs so I thought it would be easy to just cut some of the video out, WRONG. Well I was able to edit the video pretty easily with a couple different programs but then it saves the video as a different type of file. One that blogger will not upload. So after several days of trying I finally gave up. And then today I was shopping at Target and I was on the phone with Kelley and the cashier overheard me telling her that I couldn't get the video to my blog and he suggested using youtube to do it, so I came home and tried it and it actually worked! Now I can post longer videos. Thank you youtube!


Anonymous said...

Oh My God!!!!!!!! It looks like my grandson is a LEFTY. Yes! Yes! Yes! Did you see how smoothly he inserted the cherrios into his mouth, EVERY TIME with his left hand? I knew Brody was something special. This video has definitely confirmed it.

Love you guys and miss you guys.

Grandpa Joel

Unknown said...

yay! so happy that it works! kinda scary that brody's on youtube now, but not really i guess. plus, did you see any of the other 'baby Brody' videos... some of them are tooo weird, and yes... our Brody is the cutest!