Monday, May 5, 2008

28th Birthday

So Friday was my birthday and it has been crazy ever since. On Friday my sister flew in to see me. Mark surprised me with a new laptop and a limo for my birthday. So Sydna, Shara, Ashley and I all went downtown for dinner and dancing. It was a fabulous time and we definitely had way too much fun. Then we came home and had a small accident. I was getting up from the couch and hit my toe on the bottom of Marks foot and my big toe nail came off. Yes I know that is so gross, it hurt so bad and there was blood everywhere. It is still killing me! Anyway on a better note, we had a BBQ on Saturday. Matt, Abbey, Savannah, Matt, Krista and Dusty all came over. It was a pretty mellow night we just made some hamburgers and hot dogs and played Apples to Apples (which if you haven't played is the best game ever). Sunday was very relaxing. We got my laptop up and running and made a wonderful dinner from a recipe I got from Shara. It's so good, you stuff chicken with mozzarella and bacon then dip it in bread crumbs and then sear it and marinate it in spaghetti sauce. It is really yummy! Monday and Tuesday were pretty normal, went to yoga and pilates. Syd came with me and really enjoyed the classes. Then my mom flew in on Wednesday and Mark's parents and my dad get here on Thursday. So that's what's going on with us. Here is a cute picture of all the girls from my birthday.

Sydna, Shara, Me and Ashley

Me and my seester!


Jude's Mom said...

I'm sorry I didn't know it was your Birthday! Happy belated Birthday! :) We also played Apples to Apples on Saturday night... I agree, it is awesome. That was my first time to play the game. Totally awesome.

Unknown said...

OMG!!! You all look soo gorgeous! I can't wait to come play... Happy Birthday and I love my seesters sooo much! BESOS xxx