So it's only Saturday and we have already had a busy weekend. I got hired to make a cake for Wells Fargo for their customer appreciation day. It was kind of last minute so I spent all day yesterday working on it. It came out pretty good but I'm such a perfections all the little stuff bothers me so much. Here is a picture of the cake. Four Points is the name of the branch the cake was for.
Also we had a little visitor the other night. I went out to the garage to get something from the frig and realized the garage door was still open. I closed it and saw something scamper by Marks car. I thought it was Shasta because the garage door scares him to death. But then it ran back the other way and I realized it was way to small and gray to be Shasta. At first I freaked out and thought it was a rat or a possem or something. It ran behind the water softner so I had to go peak around the back to see what it was. Well it was the tinyest, cutest little baby kitten I had ever seen. He/She was so cute and scared. I managed to get it out from behind the water softner and was going to try to give it some food but she/he was way to scared. It scratched the heck out of my hands and then ran for the door. I put the food out and it came back and ate so I know he/she is still around here somewhere but I haven't seen it since. I did hear a comotion in the garage last night so he/she might have come back for a visit. We'll see I might just start putting a little food out for it and it can be our little stray kitty. Hope everyone has a nice weekend.
Excellent work!
Looks good--how do you copy the font of the company you are making it for?
xo Judy
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