Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Welcome Baby Maebry

So on our way back from Seguin we were supposed to stop and have brunch with Dusty and Christa. We got news on Friday that Christa had started to have contractions and had gone to the hospital. She was only 26 and a half weeks along. We got a call from Dusty on Saturday night saying things had gotten worse and they were moving Christa from San Marcus to Austin. We told him to keep us posted. Well as it turns out at 6:48 a.m. they did an emergency c section and deceived Maebry Lucille Kraatz. She was 2.8 pounds and around 14 inches long. They have to stay in the hospital for a while but both mom and baby are fine and doing well. Maebry is already breathing on her own. We stopped by the hospital on our way home from Seguin we got to see Christa and Dusty first. They were wiped out but seemed to be in good spirits. Then Dusty took us over to see Maebry. She is so tiny and precious. They have a special light on her to help the bruises on her skin heal but she is doing very good. We are keeping them all in our thought and prayers. We love you guys, congrats on your beautiful baby girl.

1 comment:

Diane said...

What a precious little girl! Let them know they are all in our prayers.