Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Brody's Birthday

Happy Birthday Brody! On July 23rd Brody turned two! I can't believe my little boy is two. He is growing up so fast. So his actual birthday was on Thursday. My parents flew in on Wednesday. We had a quiet night at home. We made one of Brody's favorite meals, spaghetti. I let him make a complete mess eating it and he LOVED it. I got him an ice cream clown cone for dessert. The kid does not have a sweet tooth. We usually have to force feed him ice cream. He was sort of interested in it at first then he had a few bites and then he was totally over it. Then grandma and grandpa gave him their presents. They had bought him these huge dinosaurs at FAO Schwartz when we were in New York. He absolutely loved them, well most of them. He wasn't that into the saber tooth tiger but the other two he thought were great! Then on Saturday we invited some friends over and had a little party for him. Mark and I got Brody and kiddie pool so we had that inflated. Him and Maddie took advantage and played in it at the beginning of the party. We made a really yummy dinner and had a Baskin Robbins ice cream cake for dessert. Again I think everyone else loved it more than Brody but it served its purpose. I think he had a fun time and that's all we wanted.

Mr. Mess offering to share his bread.

He was very interested in the cone at first.

Then he had a bite.

Then he was over it.

Opening his first dinosaur, he was so excited!

The T-Rex was his favorite.

Love that cheesy smile!

The party was a dinosaur theme, they were everywhere.

Lots of balloons.

Brody loved them but didn't quite get why they were all tied up.

The kiddie pool. Oh and my baby bump snuck in there too.

Brody was hesitant to get in the pool so daddy went in to help.

We turned the sprinklers on and Brody wasn't a fan.

They didn't bother Maddie at all.

Brody and Maddie.

Opening his dump truck that grandma and grandpa gave him.

Brody and the dragon that Tim and Shara gave him.

Opening a dinosaur from Matt, Abbey and Kinsey.

Shasta liked the dinosaurs.

Reading his card.

Yay a basket ball hoop!

Trying to blow out his candle, he never succeeded but he came really close.

Happy Birthday Brody, we LOVE you!


Unknown said...

yay Brody! I love the T-Rex pic with his huge eyes! so cute.... can't wait to see you all. so much love!

Unknown said...

such great pics! good job honey!

Judy said...

He's such a sweet 2 year old--wow two years did go fast!