Monday, August 24, 2009

At Home Gender Prediction Test

So Mark and I have recently discovered that we want completely different things and the exact same thing. When we were having our Down Syndrome test done the ultra sound tech asked if we were going to find out the sex of the baby. I told her we were and she said she could guess if we wanted her to. I said sure and she said boy. Well until this moment I was split 50/50 on wanting a boy or a girl. But when she said boy I had a small twinge of disappointment. Well Mark had the opposite, pure excitement. A friend told us about the at home gender prediction test and we decided to give it a try. Well the results for this seemed to be more on the girl side. This time I was excited and Mark had a twinge of disappointment. Mark said he was excited for a boy because he thinks Brody will love having a brother. Mark had two brothers and I think he knows what an amazing bond there is between brothers. I decided I was excited about a girl because it would mean something different. Not only in the gender of the baby but Mark had brothers growing up and I had sisters so neither of us experienced the brother/sister relationship. I think this would be a fun thing to watch as our kids grow up. Anyway as we were discussing this we both ultimately just want a happy healthy baby. Boy or girl we are going to love it with all our hearts. We are so excited. So here are some pictures from the at home test. It's pretty amazing that they have a product like this out there. You basically just pee in a cup and add it too this container, if it turns green it's a boy and yellow/orange its a girl. Of course ours was green on the bottom and orange on top. What the heck does that mean?? Well they have sample test result pictures on the website and we decided based on those it looked more like the girl results. Let us know what you think, go to this website and decide for yourself

So apparently you can take the test as early as 10 weeks.

This was the first test I took.

This is test #2. We have one more but I decided to wait a few weeks and see if it looks any different.


Unknown said...

It looks like GIRL to me!

Jude's Mom said...

You should do the baby pool! :-)