Tuesday, March 16, 2010

2 Week Update

Connor is officially two weeks old. We had his doctor appointment today and he is doing very well. Dr. Cardwell told me that when they first see babies they write down the weight they hope for them to be at by their two week appointment. For Connor, she was hoping he would be between 8 pounds 10 ounces and 8 pounds 12 ounces. Well he was almost a full pound bigger than that! He officially weighs 9 pounds 9 ounces which is in the 75th percentile. His length is 22 inches which is in the 90th percentile and his head was 36.5 cm which is in the 50th percentile. He is perfectly healthy which is just what I wanted to hear. He still sleeps a lot. I usually nurse him around midnight before we go to bed, he usually only wakes up once during the night and then again around 8 in the morning. He is a very mellow baby. He never really cries, he just sleeps, eats and poops. He loves to cuddle and always makes these really funny little squeaky noises. So far Brody is a great big brother. He still doesn't want to have a lot to do with the baby but he is always very sweet, he will give him his suckie or his blanket if he is upset. He tells him goodnight when he goes to bed. He cracks me up whenever I change Connor. If he has a poopy diaper or if Brody sees his umbilical cord he makes a funny face and says "ewwww". Mark went back to work this week so we are starting to adjust to our new schedule and life as a family of four.

Ok so this was really gross. I was changing Connor. He had already pooped but as I was putting a clean diaper on he pooped again and it somehow ricocheted off the diaper and went all over his tummy. So we started to clean him up and then he started peeing everywhere. We finally got everything clean and I was just about to put on a new diaper and he projectile pooped all over me. I couldn't believe it. Brody had peed on me but I can't say I have ever been pooped on. I was laughing so hard I was crying. We felt like total diaper changing rookies :)

Last Friday we took the boys to the park for a picnic, Brody loved the swings!

Brody fell asleep in the car giving himself tickles on his tummy.

Cuddling with my boys.

Brody used to make this exact same face.

Looks like a little smile.

His first pair of shoes, they are still too big but I had to try them on :)

Deep in thought.

Getting a little chub in his cheeks.

1 comment:

Jude's Mom said...

He is so cute. You guys did great once again! Way to go! :-)