Monday, March 29, 2010

Potty Training "Boot Camp"

So we had been talking about potty training Brody and were having mixed emotions. I did some research on the internet and a lot of information said just to wait until they are ready but we have a friend who said she uses this method that works in 3 days. I was a little skeptical but she had used this method for her son and said it really worked. Well the last couple of weeks I finally just got really fed up with changing Brody's diapers. He had turned it into a game, every time I would try to change him he would run away from me. And this might be a little too much info but his poops were huge and gross and he kept wanting to touch his butt while I was changing his poopy diaper. I was getting very annoyed with the entire situation so I decided it was time for potty training and emailed my friend to get the "boot camp" guide, that's what I've nicknamed the method she uses. She sent me the email on Thursday, Friday I went to the store for supplies and we decided to start on Saturday. So with this method you basically bunker down at home for three days, you throw away all your diapers and just go straight to underwear. We actually just pretended to throw the diapers away because we didn't want to waste them, we are planning to save them for Connor. The guide says that only one parent should do the potty training, so we decided it would be me sense I'm home with him all day. I was a little worried about coming off as the "bad guy" but it actually turned out to be a special bonding experience for the two of us. I really feel like it made us closer. The first day is the worst, lots of accidents which means lots of cleaning and lots of laundry. Brody did really good, I had very low expectations for the first day but he actually had 3 successes. The next morning he woke up and had three accidents but after that he seemed to get it. The rest of the day he used the big boy potty all day. Monday was day three and he did really well. He only had 1 accident when we were playing outside and he used the potty successfully 9 times, YAY BRODY!! I'm so proud of him, I can't believe what a big boy he is. We are still working on some kinks, he has woken up wet each morning. I mostly blame myself for this because you are supposed to be there to wake him up and rush him to the potty but I seem to keep getting to him a little late. We'll keep working on it. Also he isn't as comfortable going poop in the big potty so he has been holding it and not going. He actually pooped in the bath last night so we'll have to practice that a little more too. Overall I would say the potty training "boot camp" really works and I would recommend it to everyone.

This was right before we started "boot camp" he had been afraid to sit on the potty so we were practicing.

Brody in his first pair of big boy underwear. Such a cute tushie :)


Unknown said...

Got Daddy's DNA in the rear for sure!

Diane said...

Such a BIG BOY!! We are soooo proud of you Brody!

Anonymous said...

wat a cute tight butt love to squeeze it