Sunday, July 12, 2009

4th of July

So we have started a tradition of going to the lake house for the 4th of July with Tim and Shara. This year we headed up on Friday. Got there in time to swim for a bit and then when to this yummy place called the Gristmill. After that we headed back to the house, played some games and then headed to bed. Saturday was filled with lake time. We spent the entire day in the water. Brody loved it. Again absolutely no fear of the water. He was jumping off the dock into the water over and over again. Matt came up and spent the day with us because Abbey and Kinsey were in Dallas for the weekend. Then that night Mark and I really wanted to cook for Tim's parents to thank them for having us for the weekend. We made beef wellingtons, jalapeno mac n cheese and a spinach salad. Then I made yummy napoleons for dessert. After dinner we headed out on the boat to watch the fireworks. Brody was interested in the first few and then he was over it. Chip let him help drive the boat so that kept him entertained. After fireworks we put Brody to bed and played a few games of Apples to Apples. It was a great weekend and a tradition I'm totally hooked on.

Mark, Brody and I in the water. I love that B has his hands up in the air.

He just kept jumping in and then climbing out to do it all over again!

Getting ready to jump to dad.

He jumped in backwards for me.

Chillin in the raft, he almost fell asleep.

The yummy dinner.

Driving the boat.

Oh and the only injury of the weekend wasn't me. Mark got stung by a bee. OUCH!

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