Monday, January 26, 2009

Stupid iPhone

So I said I would tell you about the iPhone debacle. I'm so irritated by the whole thing. When Judy and Joel were here I got to play around with Judy's iPhone and totally fell in love with it. They are such cool phones. Well, before they left, Judy surprised me and told me they were going to get one for me! I was soooo excited. We went to the AT&T store to pick one up. They looked up my account and said I didn't have an upgrade. What does that mean? Well apparently it means I either have to pay twice as much for the phone or wait until April 2010 to get one. I think this sucks! I'm so disappointed. I've never even used an upgrade and we have been with AT&T for like 10 years. I guess what happened was when Brody broke my razor I got the cheapest crappiest phone they had and apparently this counted as my upgrade. I don't understand why they can't just add on two more years to our contract. Grrrr to say the least I'm extremely disappointed and very frustrated with the entire situation.

1 comment:

Judy said...

I have kept it hidden since--just kidding; it is an incredible phone and I have no doubt that you will have one in the near future!