Thursday, June 17, 2010

Connor 3 months

So I'm still a little behind on blogging but I'm catching up. I can't believe Connor is already 3 months old. He has hit a few new milestones. He can rollover from his tummy to his back. He can't quite go from the back to the tummy yet but he is getting really close. He is grabbing things and bringing them to his mouth. He is still a really good sleeper, we put him down around 9:30 and he usually sleeps until 7:30 or 8. For some reason the past week he has been waking up around 5:30 and wanting to nurse and then going back to sleep until around 9 which isn't so bad. He likes to sleep on his tummy but sometimes he rolls over and gets stuck on his back and then he really gets frustrated. He still doesn't like the pacifier but loves to suck on his fingers and his thumb. I'm going to keep trying the pacifier but don't have a lot of hope. He smiles lots and has even started to giggle which is my favorite thing. He is a VERY vocal baby, constantly screeching and cooing. He has lots to say! We go to the doctor in a couple of weeks for his 4 month check up and I'll have more stats on his weight and length. Here are some recent pics of baby Connor.

Sitting in his Bumbo sucking on his fingers.

More finger sucking.

First trip to the swimming pool, he enjoyed the water and laying on the towels.

Making a little progress with the pacifier.

But he still likes his thumb better.

His eyes still haven't changed yet, some days they are brown and others they are green.

Our little chunky monkey!


Judy said...

Connor is a big boy!!He has such a great disposition.

Diane said...

Connor is soooo cute! I think he looks a lot like Jessica. What a sweetie. You are blessed with 2 beautiful boys.