Thursday, June 3, 2010

Shara's Baby Shower

So Shara's due date is getting closer and closer. We had a shower for her on May 15th at the house. One of the only cravings Shara has had her entire pregnancy is shaved ice. We decided to run with it and make her shower a sweet treats theme. We had things like cotton candy, cake balls, brownie pops, Bellini's, candy and of course shaved ice. It was a lot of fun. I was in a serious sugar coma when the party was over but it really was a great shower. She got lots of fabulous gifts and we all had a nice time visiting and over indulging in lots of sweets. I can't believe the baby will be here in just a few more weeks, I'm so excited!!!! Can't wait to meet little baby Allen :)

Robin made the invitations, aren't they cute!

Me and Shara.

The diaper cake I made her.

What's left of the really yummy cake balls.

We had three different Bellini flavors. Strawberry, peach and blueberry.

I made baby themed name tags for all the glasses.

We made fresh cotton candy.

And yummy snow cones.

There was a variety of candy.

The favors were candy bags that guests could fill up and take home with them.

Brownie Pops.

Shara opening gifts.

Maebry had her eye on the Care Bear gift bag.

Maebry, Christa and Robin.

Lisa and Lisa.

More presents.

Robin, Maebry, Christa, Savannah, Connor and Shara.

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