Friday, June 25, 2010

Welcome Kyla Grace Allen!

Kyla Grace Allen was born on June 25th at 9:48 am. She weighed 8lbs 1oz and was 20.5 inches long. Tim and Shara went to the hospital on Thursday night to be induced. Shara made quick progress through the night and called me at 7:30 am to tell me she was 9 cm dilated. I hopped out of bed and got ready as quick as I could. Mark stayed home with the boys. I got to the hospital around 8:30 am and she had just started to push. She was able to push through 3 or 4 contractions and then the nurse got called away so she got a bit of a break. Around 9 the nurse came back and she resumed pushing. She did a great job and 48 minutes later baby Kyla was born. It was an amazing experience to be a part of. Congrats Tim and Shara you guys will be amazing parents, we love you guys!

Moments after she was born.

Mommy and baby :)

The Allen Family!

Kyla Grace Allen, isn't she beautiful.

One with her eyes open.

Kyla and Connor, wow what a difference a few months makes :)


Jude's Mom said...

She is so cute! Congrats to the Allens.

Judy said...

She is beautiful and I can't wait to hold her and see my beautiful grandsons at the same time!!!!