Thursday, January 17, 2008

Quiet Week

We are just settling back into our routine. The first couple of days home were a little rough. I told Mark I thought we broke the baby. He was so fussy and didn't want to be put down. I think he was just wiped out from our trip. It took him a couple of days but he is back to his perfect little amazing self. Bouncing like crazy and he is really starting to move on the floor, still no actual crawling but lots and lots of scooting. Mark has been busy at work this week and Brody and I have been walking the past few days. We have two weddings at the end of this year and I really want to be back down to my pre-baby size. So I have to start working on it. We have 9 months but still, time goes by quick. Oh and did I mention one of the weddings is in Mexico, which means a bathing suit (YIKES)! Anyway other then that it has been a pretty quiet week. We still need to take down our Christmas tree, all of the ornaments are off we just need to take it apart and put it in the box, I'm hoping it will be done by Saturday at the latest. Mark's parents got us some patio furniture for Christmas and it's supposed to arrive tomorrow, I'm really excited to see what it looks like. I'll take pictures once we have it all put together.

Oh and did I mention one of Brody's new favorite things to do is suck on his bottom lip. It's too funny.


Judy said...

Could Brody be missing his crazy relatives in California? It's hard to settle down after that. I had a great time with ya'll. See you soon.

Diane said...

Brody you look like a track star getting ready for a race! TOOOO CUTE! You'll be running soon. We love you all and miss you a lot. I see you have Grandma Judy saying YA'LL.

Grandma Di and Grandpa Rog