Thursday, January 31, 2008

Another Small Step

I'm very excited. I reached another one of my mini goals for losing weight. I have 10 more pounds to be back at my pre-baby weight and then another 10 to be at my bathing suit weight. It feels good to be getting back down to a normal size. I can't wait until my all my clothes start fitting again, it will be like I just went on a giant shopping spree!

We have had a pretty good week. Last night was fun. We went to this wine tasting thing at a place called Spec's with our friend Dr. For all you Californians it kind of like a bigger version of BevMo (everything is bigger in Texas). Anyway they do this cool wine tasting event on the last Wednesday of every month. It's only $10 and you get to taste 20 different wines, there are light snacks and you get to keep your Riedel glass. It's nice because each winery has a representative there so you can ask questions and they give a good discount on the wine. I wish we had our camera with us, Mark got a great picture with his cell phone of Dr. holding Brody in the Baby Bjorn. It was too cute. So other then that the rest of the week should be pretty quiet. We are having a little Super Bowl party on Sunday so that should be fun. I have no idea who I'm rooting for.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i love and miss you guys soooo much...