Tuesday, May 27, 2008

More Visitors

So I'm beginning to catch up with my blogging. I was able to upload pictures to the family visit post but because I originally started it on May 12th it appears below the previous post. Anyway like I have said May has been crazy for us. We have been going non-stop and have had lots of visitors. My sister was here for 3 weeks. We absolutely loved having her. We went to lots of yoga and Pilate's classes and it was so nice to have help with Brody and someone to just hang around with during the day. She is leaving to go to South Africa for 6 months. I'm going to miss her so much my heart hurts just thinking about it. Brody was really cute when she first got here and was obsessed with her suitcase.

I know I look like I'm choking her in this picture but it was just a really big hug!

One of our other visitors this month was our friend De la. We call him De la because his name is Eric De la Cerna. We met him in Walnut Creek when we first moved up to northern California after we graduated. Mark and him worked together at Wells Fargo and we all became fast friends. He is one of the funnest people we know. He came to visit the weekend after Mother's Day. I can't believe I didn't get any pictures. We had a really good time, we went to Oasis, Shady Grove and Rudy's and a few other places I can't think of right now. He and Mark went downtown on Friday and had a really good time and then Sydna babysat Brody and I was able to join them on Saturday. It was a lot of fun. De la really enjoyed to scene downtown. He loved all the live music and roof top bars, not something you get a lot of in San Francisco. Well I promise to keep posting I will have another new post tomorrow maybe I will be caught up by the end of the week.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Good idea--I'll put you in my suitcase next time I visit; then I can take you home with me!
Love, Grandma Judy