Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Brody Update

Brody is getting bigger and bigger. He has such the little personality. He is pretty laid back and happy all the time. Except the last few days, he is getting a bunch of his molars and is miserable. I feel so bad for him, I can't wait for the teeth thing to be over. He still only says mommy, daddy and kitty. But he is signing like crazy. We started him on sign language videos when he was around 8 months old. They have worked really well, it's incredible to watch him communicate with us. Here are a list of signs he can do. Cat, dog, duck, hat, book, eat, drink, milk, all done, more, bath, sleep and goodbye. He is so smart. He also knows where things go and a few of our routines. Like if Mark is taking the trash out Brody will run to the back door and point outside because he know that's where Mark is going. Or whenever I change his diaper downstairs he runs over to the trash can and holds up the lid so I can throw it away. It cracks me up. He is still a dancing machine and loves to listen to music. Oh and he is obsessed with shoes and socks. He loves to have stuff on his feet. If he finds a pair of his shoes or socks he will come running over and pick up his foot for you to put it on him. He is too funny. Here are some recent pictures of him.

This picture cracks me us. He looks like he stuck his finger in a light socket and look at that belly.

Here he is rockin his new shoes that grandma Judy gave him.

Watching TV, he totally knows how to work the remote already.

So sleepy but refusing to take off his Chucks.

I love that face!

He is on a total banana kick, he eats at least one every day.

Those teeth crack me up.

He loves playing with grass.

Something sure was funny!

Oh and Suzy took all of the pictures of Brody in his green outfit. She was just messing around with the camera but she got some great shots. Thanks Suzy!


Judy said...

can't wait to see him! Uh, about the remote, was that inborn from his mommy and daddy?

Unknown said...

he is too cute... i can't wait to see you all again... miss you so much! xxx