Sunday, October 26, 2008

Dr. Pepper

So yesterday we were sitting on the couch and I was drinking a Dr. Pepper. Brody is on a kick lately where he wants to eat and drink everything we are having. So he climbed up on top of me and wanted to try my soda. I'm not sure what I was thinking but I thought he probably wouldn't like it so I let him have a little sip. Boy was I wrong. He loved it. He kept grabbing the cup and when I would take a sip he would press his head up close to mine and try to get his lips on the cup so he could get a sip. The whole thing was cracking me up. So here is Brody having his first experience with Dr. Pepper.


Judy said...

That is too funny! What does his dentist say though?

Jude's Mom said...

Too cute!

Unknown said...

Just like his Mommy! Loves that Dr. Pepper!!

Shara said...

OH my gosh, that is PRECIOUS!!!!