Friday, October 17, 2008

Trip to Cali - Part Two Brody's First Haircut

That's right Brody got his first haircut. His hair was so long and curly in the back, he looked like he had a little baby mullet. I waited until Wednesday so Mark could be there too. We went to this cute place in Lafayette called Cool Tops. They specialize in kids haircuts. They have cute cars and motorcycles the kids sit in while they cut their hair. Brody did really good he sat in the car the whole time except when they cut the hair around his ears, I held him for that. They took a picture and gave me some of the pieces of hair they cut off. So no more curls and he looks like such a little boy now. I can't believe how fast he is growing up.


Unknown said...

What a good little man!

Judy said...

I can't help it; I love that serious face!