Monday, May 4, 2009

Bad Blogger

I have been a HORRIBLE blogger lately. I can't believe it has been over a month since my last post. My goal is to get all up to date by the end of the week. So lets see, I left off at the end of March. So the first big thing that happened in April was Mark took his first trip with Brody all by himself. Mark had booked a trip to California to go see the A's opening game. I decided to stay here because my parents were coming in on Monday and I didn't want to be gone all weekend. Well at the last minute Mark decided to take Brody with him. He was really nervous about flying with him all alone but he did really well. They were only there Friday and Saturday and flew home on Sunday. Mark had lots of family in town so it ended up being a really fun trip and everyone was glad he brought Brody.

This was Thursday night right after they landed in Oakland, he didn't sleep at all on the plane and was a very tired boy.

Eating lunch and wearing a sweater that Mark's great grandma made.

Here he is bird watching, he is obsessed with birds right now!

Sticks and rocks are also some of his favorite things right now.


His favorite thing to do at grandma's house is play with cars.

More cars!

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