Saturday, June 14, 2008


So Brody is officially walking. He started last weekend and I'm sorry it took me so long to get a video. The first couple times I would try he would take like five steps and then lunge for the camera. So today he was watching Mark mow the lawn and I sat down as far away from him as I could and told him to walk to me. And what do you know he actually did! So here is Brody in his walking debut.


Judy said...

Go Brody Go!
Love from Grandma Judy

Diane said...

WOW! You are such a good walker! Watch out world!


Grandma Diane and Grandpa Roger

Sydna said...

Yay baby Brody!!! He's doing so good...i love the little drunken baby walk! =) Tell him tia syd is so proud and i can't wait to see him again!!! Lots of love!!